Monday, December 6, 2010

WHAT? A Whole Year?

Looking up my blog I can hardly believe that I haven't posted since January. So much has happened in our family since then...

I am already half way done with nursing school (thank God), our two boys are growing up quickly, and we have experienced many adventures on the way.

For myself, I have taken up a much bigger interest in my health. Gaining too much weight in my pregnancies became a problem when it came time to lose it and I had to do something about it. Therefore, I took up running! I trained several times per week from the spring through the summer and fall and on October 2, 2010 I ran the Leavenworth Half Marathon in 2:09. All this running wasn't enough though... I was still heavy and couldn't lose any weight. Finally I started to examine my eating patterns and count calories. When I finally combined "diet AND exercise" the pounds melted right off! With all my hard work I am back down to pre-pregnancy, even pre-marriage weight (which my husband really likes.) I have learned a lot about myself through this journey including my strengths and weaknesses. One of my weaknesses is the month of December... its cold and all I want to do is sleep, eat, and be warm! Oh well... as long as I keep my self active during these cold months I think I'll survive.

My husband has also taken up more of an interest in working out but it's hard to get to a regular schedule with the littles. I feel truly blessed for all of the people who are part of my life. My husband and children bring me so much joy, my parents on both sides are always supportive,and I have great friends who are there for us- to help us with our kids, for moral support, for spiritual support, and to fill life full of laughter.

I feel as though my thoughts are really scattered in this posting... oh well.. it's late. If I update more often I wouldn't have this problem. I think I will start posting all of the funny things my kids say so that I will never forget. Nighty!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Family Portraits!

We took family pictures last week and I just got them back today. They're GREAT! I'd like to say thank you to Kay at K Beach Photography for working with us and doing a great job! I love to have pics like this to last forever and remind us of these precious times :)

K Beach Photography 509.218.1453

Monday, January 18, 2010

What? It's 2010?

I'm sitting here on the computer... finally. It's 11:34pm and Channing and Micah are finally both asleep. Amanh and Uriel are downloading video games and watching TMZ. It's sort of peaceful.

There has been lots of things going on in my life lately. For starters, I'm trying to change my lifestyle and eat healthier by using Weight Watchers. Its going great. I'm two and a half weeks into it and have lost six pounds and 2.5 inches. Very exciting. I'd like to feel confident with my body again before I go back to school; makes you feel like you have more control I suppose.

Speaking of school... I'm anxiously awaiting a letter from SCC to find out whether or not I will be accepted into the Nursing Program for Spring Quarter 2010. I've been on the waiting list for almost a year now, but rumor has it that the wait is up to 1.5 years. So, it may turn out that I won't get in until Fall 2010. If that happens, I will enjoy the summer with my boys! If I do start school this Spring, it'll be very exciting and definitely a new chapter in my life.

Not to be boring talking about the weather... but I must say thatthis Winter season is quite notable. We've had almost ZERO snow accumulation. I'm not complaining one bit. It's the middle of January and it was 55 degrees today. Amazingly warm and inviting and I LOVE it. I cannot wait until Spring and Summer so that we can take our family camping, BBQ in the backyard, go swimming, go for evening walks, ride our bikes, etc. You get the picture. I love being outside with the kids when its warm.

My KIDS are also amazing right now. I'm so proud of Channing. He's been potty training for about two weeks now and he is doing superb. Very little accidents during the day. He is doing both ends of his business in the toilet. I give him little reminders throughout the day, we carry our portable potty with us where ever we go, and I reward him with M&M's when he does a good job. M&M's are also helping him learn his colors! Channing's vocabulary has also exploded which is super exciting minus the few bad words he's caught onto while listening to his Dad during the Zag's games.... oops!! All in all he is a happy, healthy, growing little boy!

Micah is also doing amazing. He is 4.5 months and is just an absolute sweetie. He's a lot different than Channing. Very calm, very smiley, happy, and mostly quiet. The only time I have trouble with Micah is when he's tired and NOT snuggled right into mama's chest. He's overly attached... but I don't mind for now :) We recently just set up the bouncy horse for him and he loves it. He'll sit and bounce and bounce and bounce and smile and bounce some more.

Amanh is doing great at work. It was nice having him home throughout the holidays (one and one half weeks off) and I think he's happy to be back at work now. Most men don't realize how difficult it is to stay home and take care of house and family. Thank goodness he appreciates what I do. I love him.

With recent tragedies in the world such as the massive earthquake in Haiti, I'm reminded how blessed I am to have my family. Thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for all that I have both spiritually and temporally.

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of death. Amen.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

6 Weeks Later...

We had our baby. Six weeks ago. Why did it take so long to post about it? Well, I'd like to think I've been rather busy chasing Channing around while trying to care for a beautiful and needy little newborn baby boy. Life is good but things have been hectic, no sleep, no me time, heck... I can hardly get to church on Sundays. But its well worth it all. Once Micah is older managing them both will be a little easier.

Mommy holding Micah for the 1st time!

Micah Gabriel Wu was born on September 5, 2009 at 3:50 in the morning. He weighed 6 pounds 9 ounces and was 20 inches long. To me he is a miracle. Micah was born via VBAC successfully with the assistance of our Doula Pamala (, my husband, mother, and sister... I suppose the nurses and doctor helped a bit too. Having a VBAC and a healthy baby were my two goals and we succeeded at both of them! It began by going into the doctors Friday afternoon to be checked to see how dilated we were. To my surprise I was at 5 cm already! I think this is due to Dr. Hilton having scraped my membranes twice before in the previous two weeks which got things moving around down there. Because we were dialted favorably and my Doc was going outt of town for the next two weeks I decided to have my labor augmented. So that night I went in and they broke my water at about 9 pm. Labor came strongly about 15 minutes after that and I went without pain medication for as long as I could... because I wanted to avoid needing pitocin. Around midnight or so, I asked for the epidural. Pamala and I had been working through the contractions very well... but I was getting to transition labor and they were more than I wanted to handle. I ended up pushing for one and one half hours (which I thought would NEVER END...and that I was going to DIE!) to see my little boy come out and be lifted onto my chest. He cried, looked me in the eyes and my heart melted. We spent two days in the hospital and then went home to begin our journey.

My Doula Pamala and I

Today, Micah is 6 weeks and 5 days old. I have been attending a breastfeeding support group at the hospital and have exclusively breastfed him from birth. Yesterday, he weighed in at 10 pounds! He is getting so big and breastfeeding has been so rewarding.

Micah looking super cute!

The Wu Clan

Baby Micah smiling @ 6 weeks

and Chan meeting his little brother!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pee Pee in the Potty!

It's been a while. I have been trying to pass the time with this pregnancy by keeping busy with Channing since school got out. Finally, after much anticipation, I finished my last day of school at Eastern (July 17) and am now an official graduate. It seemed like it would never come, but one lesson I have learned is that no matter what you do... time will pass... so you better enjoy every day!

So as of today I am 37 weeks and 1 day into my pregnancy and our little one is considered full-term, ready to come at any time. If he came soon, he'd be smaller (which I wouldn't mind) but my body is telling me that he isn't coming for a while. I am getting a bit nervous for labor; last time round was a nightmare. However, this time we have Pamala! Yup, I have officially hired a doula to help me with this labor and delivery. She will be at my side from the beginning of labor through a few hours postpartum or as long as we need her. She seems to be a wonderful woman whom I have enjoyed getting to know! I'm praying that she'll help us have a successful VBAC experience.

The newest venture in my life right now is most definitely with the Chan Man. He is an amazing kid! Don't all moms say that about their kids? Well, he is. He just turned 18 months old and we found him the other day sitting on our toilet...

Lets just say I took it as a sign. I might be crazy for trying this just weeks before the delivery of his little brother but for the last three days we have been potty training and he has made amazing progress! We got some big boy undies and a froggy potty. I let him run around the house naked or in his undies and when he needs to go pee he is actually making it to his potty chair and going! Sometimes, he'll start to go and I will have to stop him (he'll actually start to hold it) then we'll run to sit on the potty and he'll finish in it. It's the cutest thing ever. After he pees we take it to the bathroom and flush it down the toilet together waving bye bye! So, I think that I will just keep it up, although it gets exhausting watching him like a hawk, it'll be nice if we can have only one child in diapers.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Savannah's Early Summer Update

It has been quite a while since I've last posted.

I finished up Spring quarter at EWU with a bang. Let me tell you, that was a rough run. It made me a strong woman though I suppose. As of yesterday I just finished up my first of four weeks of summer school. And again, its going to be a bit challenging too. I'm taking 3 classes all crammed into four weeks of school. However, come July 17 I will be an Eastern Graduate! Woo Hoo! I am very excited to have persevered because it has proved an enduring challenge.

School talk is boring. Babies are much more entertaining. I'm about 30 weeks pregnant right now with Micah and it seems like his arrival is just around the corner and I haven't prepared at all for it yet, mentally or physically. He has been extremely active in the womb, more so than Channing, which ultimately scares me. Channing is already a hyper child, will Micah out do him in that characteristic? Will I be blessed with overly energized and curious children? I guess we'll have to wait and see! Channing is also growing tremendously. He is getting much taller and stronger. Climbing appears to be his niche. Today he climbed on top of the outside picnic table so that he could get into Henry's McDonald's french fries. He did this 3 times with me scolding him every time after. Finally, he got a spankin'! He is just so dangerous. He also tried climbing the cyclone fence and can get all the way to the top. I just don't know what I am going to do with him. On a positive note, at 16 months, I have him successfully sleeping in his toddler bed, in his room all through the night and for naps during the day. He transitioned so well that Amanh and I are very proud!

We also enjoyed our first camping trip of the summer! We drove North to Riley Creek Campground and spend the weekend there accompanied by my mother and grandma. It was such a great time! Grandpa Bowman set up his trailer for us as a surprise and we didn't have to tent camp... but now.... we are SPOILED! Oh well, camping is so much fun, hopefully we can go a few more times this summer!

Well, I am off to shower while both my boys are sleeping... we went to Hoopfest this morning and then did yardwork this afternoon. Therefore, I am in need of a good shower!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2nd Wedding Anniversary

My husband may not be the most romantic man in this big, beautiful world... but I don't mind. I still love him none the less. Today is our 2nd wedding anniversary. I really can't believe we've survived these last two years together (marriage is harder than I thought.) However, it is extremely rewarding and it's comforting knowing we have each other love to share every moment of the rest of our lives with.

So, I decided to skip school this morning. My excuses? Well, its sunny outside, I didn't want to drive alone, it's my anniversary, and I'm pregnant! Do any of those really count considering I have two biology tests on Friday? Probably not. Oh well I say, life is short, sometimes you need to take a day to yourself, but who am I kidding... I still have to go to microbiology lab from 4-8 tonight! So much for a romantic evening with the hubby. All is well because we have mutually decided to celebrate our anniversary on Saturday complete with dinner, dancing, and the little man staying the night with grandma.

Our morning started out very well. Channing slept all night and because of that we slept well too. I awoke before my alarm went off and the sun was shining so I decided to crawl out of bed slowly. I took my time getting ready (assuming I was going to school) and then cooked a hearty breakfast: asian style scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. Amanh and Chan joined me in front of the TV where we proceeded to watch Handy Manny and Chan ate more of my breakfast than I did. It's nice to just relax like that in the morning, it doesn't happen too often. After breakfast I decided NOT to go to school when my most sweet and intellectual car pool girlfriend texted me that she wasn't going today. Ahhh, bad Lisa... I love it. I can't blame her, after this many years of school... not to mention it's spring... we're all a little burned out. Well my mother showed up to watch Channing, God bless her heart, she brought Amanh and I a lovely card and a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers! They are basking in their fragrant aroma in my kitchen soaking up the sun in the window. I love you mom.

Well, that's all for now because I should use the time I have while mom is here to study for my tests! But I have to add one more tidbit...

The new "central" YMCA opened up yesterday... it is amazing. I love it. Amanh loves it. And Channing loves it! Hopefully we will spend many afternoons and evenings there together playing hard and staying in shape!